Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

July 26th and 27th


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Married Women®

Mrs. Nevada International®

Laurie Mendoza - Top 15

People's Choice Award

1.Tell us why anyone would want come to your hometown?
Going on family vacations makes me smile. With two adult children and busy schedules, it can be very difficult coordinate a family trip. I enjoy spending quality time relaxing, laughing and making memories with my family. My favorite family vacation was spending a week in Puerto Peñasco in 2015.

2.What are the (2) most important things in your closet and why?
Our date night agenda depends on whose turn it is to plan the date! I love being social so I would suggest getting dressed up, having dinner and then going dancing. If it’s Phillip’s turn to plan the date he would say, “Pack an overnight bag... we’re going camping!”

3.What do you love to cook and why?
My favorite way to relax is to go to my bedroom, plug in my diffuser with a lavender essential oil and just meditate in the dark. This allows me to focus on my breathing and clear my mind.

4.If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do?
I don’t believe I have one particular style because I enjoy trying new fashions while incorporating a professional look. Also, wearing a pair of heels makes me feel powerful, confident and classy so this is a must for me!

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